Pandas, Penguins and Pigeons, Oh My!

Pandas, Penguins and Pigeons, Oh My! Optimizing your website for better search engine results posted by Bob Mills In a previous blog post, I talked about the importance of getting your website on page one of the Google search results. One way to do that, of course, is...

Google Search: Getting on Page One

Google Search: Getting on Page One posted by Bob Mills Getting your business on Page 1 of the Google search results is a really big deal. In fact, for most small and medium size businesses, it’s one of the biggest things you can do to generate leads or visits to your...

What Makes a Great Winery Website?

What Makes a Great Winery Website? posted by Bob Mills Unlike great wines, winery websites definitely don’t improve with age, as we recently discovered when we toured the sites of Niagara area wine producers. We visited 98 winery websites in total, grading each...

Does Email Marketing Really Work?

Does Email Marketing Really Work? posted by Bob Mills A recent study by the Direct Marketing Association shows that email delivers the highest return on investment of all direct response media. Should you be using it for your business? The answer is a hardy “you...